Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Actors, Equipment, Props and Costume

Face mask
Needed to reduce any chemicals of him breathing in as it is a risk, even though it is years after the nuclear war there are still substances within the air.
Normal/casual every clothes of protagonist and other actors
No special clothes is needed, just casual clothing. Casual clothing is used for other actors, being the family of the protagonist, as there will be flash backs of the normal times. However the protagonist is also wearing normal, casual clothing as its all the clothing he had in his house before the attack so he wouldn't have any other clothing.
When he goes outside his house a weapon is defiantly needed in case of any gangs or dangerous people coming his way. This will be used to defend himself.

Canned food such as baked beans and tinned fruit
Canned food is needed for some scenes. Canned food stay in date for a long time so it is the only food that is left after the nuclear attack.
This is needed when he is trying to find a place to go to find kind humans and more supply for him to last longer.
I need wine as this is what was in the storage room before, a wine cellar with aluminium surrounding. Perfect for canned food and other resources to use after the attack.
Water is obviously a necessity so this is in the storage room also, as you could not live without water.
Medical Supplies
You need medical supplies to survive in case you get injured or ill so this is also useful to have and will be needed in the short film.
Where he sleeps in his shelter for the most being.
2 Camping stoves
This is what he finds when he goes to another house, camping stoves which do not run on electricity. And makes him survive for a lot longer.
When he is travelling to other places, a bag is needed for his items such as weapons, water, food and survival items.
This is what the room is covered in to make a good bomb shelter, before was used for a wine cellar.

1080p Camera - Canon EOS 650D
A camera that is in high quality and HD is necessary. Visual is a very important aspect in he short film and it needs to be pleasing to look at - not unclear and in bad quality.
Needed for still shots to make the shots look more professional and not irritating for the viewer to watch.
Editing software (sony vegas & final cut pro)
After the shots are filmed I would need something to edit all the clips together to make the short film be an actual story. Editing is very important and I already have very expensive software such as Sony Vegas and final cut pro so this will help me make the short film look professional.
SD card
Whats inside the camera and will hold all the footage.
Computer to edit on
Obviously I would need a computer of some sort to actually use the editing software. I will transfer the footage from the camera through a wire into the computer.
I have a rode microphone that goes into my canon camera. This microphone will make the sound a lot more professional. Even though there is not a lot of dialogue in the movie itself, it is still important to hear what he is doing without any terrible background sounds. The microphone helps reduce the background sound as wherever direction it is pointed in it will be most loud in that direction. 
Lighting is also very important. Luckily I do filming in my spare time and I have two large professional lights that will make the scene a lot better pure and visually pleasing. 

WARREN (Protagonist) - Survivor 
Warren is the main actor, being the survivor of the nuclear attack. You will hear his voice being narrated over the short film and we will be seeing his story of it.
Random strangers from gangs 
These will be shown in his nightmare briefly. Bad guys from previous trips when he went out to seek kind people like himself and supplies.
Family members
In one of the flashbacks his family are also in the scene to represent the normal times.
Another survivor
There will be another survivor at the end shown very briefly to make it interesting and end the suspense. It will leave us at even more of a cliff hanger however which is what I want it to be, make people want to watch more.


  1. Olie, I cant see how your work has move forward much recently. Have you got work which you haven't posted? You have clearly got some theory work on audience and have done audience research which has resulted in some interesting outcomes.Im rather concerned that the plot seems quite wobbly and undeveloped. Have you researched the effects of a nuclear attack? Beyond surviving what is this lone man trying to achieve? What narrative influences are you using? It feels rather unplanned at the moment. Where is your schedule?

  2. Olie, I cant see how your work has move forward much recently. Have you got work which you haven't posted? You have clearly got some theory work on audience and have done audience research which has resulted in some interesting outcomes.Im rather concerned that the plot seems quite wobbly and undeveloped. Have you researched the effects of a nuclear attack? Beyond surviving what is this lone man trying to achieve? What narrative influences are you using? It feels rather unplanned at the moment. Where is your schedule?
