Monday, 1 August 2016

The Effects Of A Nuclear Attack

My teacher suggested for me to research in the subject of my plot, being nuclear war. As my film is post-apocalpytic she suggested for me to research the effects of a nuclear war so I can gather the information and be more correct within my product. So therefore, this post will be about the effects of a nuclear war.

Nuclear war is a real possibility which is one of the main reasons i have chosen this topic for my plot. I find it extremely interesting, Especially now that trump is a possibility for a president, he could have access and possibly start a nuclear war. Countries such as Russia, UK, USA, France, China, Pakistan and North Korea all have the weapon of Nuclear to start a nuclear war. 

Those at the hyper centre of the bombs would be instantly vaporised. It would be instantly vaporised after the initial destruction. There would be enormous fires from the attacks crated by the nuclear explosions. In countries across the world would be hundreds of millions of tons of smoke that will rise to the stratosphere, in a short amount of time this smoke will spread and cause a scenario as dark as the night. It will cause a dense layer blocking the sunlight trying to reach the surface, the thick blanket of smoke remains there for many years and the world we once recognised would now become a cold, dark and horrible place to live in. The temperatures would drop rapidly and some areas would be below freezing for a very long time. At night the frost would occur to extreme amounts which will prevent food from growing and growing seasons would become virtually eliminated. Above the surface parts of the ozone layer have been destroyed allowing dangerous amounts of sun's UV light to penetrate the atmosphere. The leftover radioactive fallout would spread across the world making it impossible for many living things to survive. Most human beings would die due to not being able to grow food and not having shelter at the time from the radio active poisoning. Only some people would survive with shelters. The entire planet wild once again experience a massive extinction. If only a couple of nuclear bombs were detonated, it would still cause a catastrophic moment in history. Currently there has only ever been two nuclear bombs that have purposely been donated in the aim to kill. The first one was during august in 1945 and was detonated over the Japanese city of Hiroshima - shown in the example video below. The second one was three days later and was detonated over Nagaski, Japan. These two bombings resulted in the deaths of around 200,000 people so this clearly shows how people each nuclear bombing is. A lot of people in these two bombings died instantly and most died living there last few moments in pain and misery as their flesh melted from their bodies. Many perished while looking for water to ease their suffering. It is a horrible experience in a nuclear warfare setting.

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