The apocalyptic genre is one of the most diverse genres out there, you can have many possibilities and limitless scenarios that could be made for this genre, as everyone will have different opinions on how the world will be after being wiped out which makes it so interesting. There are many codes and conventions however that you constantly see within films that have this genre:
Mis en Scene

There are several main types of sound used in post apocalyptic films, firstly slow and sad songs are used that emphasise the loneliness of the character being left in the post apocalyptic world which adds to the complete devastation. On the other hand, another popular sound is having a tense build up in a soundtrack, engaging the audience and lastly having a tense score that are up tempo for fast action filled parts such as in the Mad Max soundtrack.

A Hero
Most post apocalyptic films usually have one main character, a hero, where he manages to solve the crisis for the rest of the world and mostly retain human civilisation. For example, at the end of 'I am Legend' he finds a cure or Thomas in 'the Maze Runner' who helps everyone through the maze.
In post apocalyptic films you always see desolation as they are trying to make the audience feel absolute looniness and helpless right from the beginning to give sympathy towards the character(s).
Survival and Challenges
Tordov's theory is adopted a lot in this genre, as the majority of characters no longer have there original lives, hence the apocalypse part. Most have a challenge of returning somewhere, collecting of fighting something as their disequilibrium and when they manage to do this, there becomes an equilibrium hopeful ending.
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